With the start of term just around the corner, your thoughts may be turning to school snacks (I must admit, I always have snacks running through my mind!!)
So, to help you out, I have unlocked 5 of my favourites for everyone to enjoy – make sure you read to the end as I have definitely saved the best ’til last!!
And what’s fab about these recipes (apart from how they taste of course!) is that they are simple enough for children – and in my case husbands – to make!
- Breakfast muffins – these are definitely not just for breakfast and make for a perfect school snack . They are made using oats instead of flour so are a great source of slow release energy. Best of all, you can freeze them meaning you can have an emergency stash to hand!
- Mini quiches – a savoury snack instead of a sweet one: these are delicious and make a great snack. Your can add your own flavours to personalise them to your family’s tastes and they can be frozen so are a great snack to batch cook.
- Rock cakes – one of the simplest cakes to make! They are delicious on their own or served like a scone with jam and butter. Play around with different fruits and spices and don’t forget that you can freeze them.
- Matt’s marvellous sausage rolls – another savoury snack hero! These never last long in my house because they are so delicious!
- Chocolate bark – I’ve saved the best until last – this one is a real treat! Because it uses dark chocolate, you don’t need much of it which makes it a great mini snack!