Showing 48 Result(s)

Reducing overwhelm in your kitchen

Meal-planning The best way to get organised in your kitchen is to write  meal-plan: it really makes a massive difference to your daily life. But the benefits of meal-planning go way beyond being more organised: Meal-planning really does lead to a healthier, happier you! These are a few of my favourite things… Another way I eliminate that feeling of overwhelm and dread in my kitchen, is by limiting the clutter and organising my space in a way that works for me and my family. Start with a good declutter and then take a look at what is left and think …

Eating a more varied diet is the key to good health

How many different plant foods do you eat in a week?  I was reading an article in the Times recently – it was about the 10 healthy habits that we should build now.  Number 4 was all about variety (something that is easier to attain when meal planning) and how we should be aiming for a whopping 30 different plant based foods per week!  Research has shown that those lacking in variety, were likely to have insufficient fibre and an inadequate amounts of 2 or more vitamins and minerals.  People eating 30 different plant foods (including whole grains, pulses, fruit and …

An organised kitchen with Delicious and Real

On Saturday 8th October, I will be on the live demo stage at the Clean and Tidy Home Show. Join me and learn all about how to rid yourself of kitchen overwhelm and save yourself time and money! Discover how creating a meal-plan will not only reduce your food (and energy) bills, but will also reduce the amount of time you spend in the kitchen and the amount of ‘stuff’ on your shelves. I will be talking you through what your kitchen actually needs (do we really need 4 frying pans?!?!?) and how best to store items and make the …

Understanding Your Health Means You Can Take Better Care of Yourself

Understanding your health means that you are going to be able to take better care of yourself. The more you know, the more powerful you are, and that is especially true when it comes to health. The answer is often diet We often overlook poor diet when we are trying to find the cause of our symptoms but 70% of our immune system is actually located in our gut. “Seventy percent of the immune system is located in the gut,” says David Heber, MD, PhD, professor emeritus of medicine at UCLA Health. “Nutrition is a key modulator of immune function.” Immune …

How to beat the rising cost of living

The cost of food and drink has pushed the UK inflation rate to 10.1% and, according to Lord Stuart Rose, it will continue to rise. One of the places we are all feeling the increased costs is in our weekly shop. Rising food and drink prices made the biggest contribution to the change in the inflation rate between June and July with the biggest impacts from bread, cereals, milk, cheese and eggs. If you are a Lurpack lover, you will definitely be aware of this: some supermarkets were selling it for £9 a tub during July. One of the best …